New to Church?
We are open for worship and visitors most days. We have morning and evening prayer at 9am and 5:30pm each day. We celebrate the Eucharist on Sundays and 8am and 10am, and Wednesdays at 10am. Our Parish office is open 9am until midday Monday to Thursday, when our church is also open to visitors.
Where can I park?
We have some reserved spaces in the car park shared with our neighbours, the Percy Hedley Foundation. Other parking is available on Station Road. For those with mobility issues, it is possible to drive up to the main church doors. For those traveling from further afield, we are a 3 minutes' walk north of Benton metro.
Is the church wheelchair accessible?
Both our church and our hall are wheelchair accessible, and we have accessible toilets.
Can I bring children?
Absolutely! We welcome children to all of our services and we believe that they are an important part of our worshipping community. We have a Junior Church which gathers on a Sunday at 10am (as part of the Sung Eucharist). There is a creche too if you'd like somewhere to take very small children. Bubble Church, for toddlers and young children takes place monthly. Our toilets have baby changing facilities.
I'm not sure of my faith. Can I still come?
Yes of course! We recognise that we are all at different stages of our faith journey; we all have doubts and all of us struggle to live the life Jesus wants for us. We hope that St Bartholomew's is a place when you can feel closer to God, and closer to your neighbours. If you would like to talk about your faith, please get in touch with a member of clergy.
What can I expect on my first visit?
We hope that coming to church is an enjoyable and fulfilling experience. When you arrive, you will be welcomed on the door, and we will make sure you have everything you need for the service. Everything is explained, and the atmosphere is relaxed. People often say they are worried about when to stand up or sit down, or what to say or sing. We say there's no right or wrong, and if you're not sure, a neighbour will always help!