PCC Update
The PCC met on Wednesday evening and (subject to minutes being approved) agreed to adopt a policy whereby children can be admitted to communion before confirmation (with certain provisos); we created a new Buildings Committee to centralise everything that’s going on to do with our building and grounds; and crucially, we adopted a new budget for 2024, with projections for parish share for 2025 and 2026. Special thanks are due to Anthony and Claire for all their work on the budget.
All Souls Day
The All Souls service this year will be held on Thursday 2nd November at 7.30pm. Refreshments will be served from 7pm. Names can be added to the list of remembrance then, or email the office if you know you won’t be able to attend.
Update on the Campbell family
We would like to thank the congregation of St Bart’s for their prayers for Theo and Nell and for Grace Campbell who has had a kidney transplant donated by her lovely caring mother Claire. The transplant was a success; Grace is doing well; so is Claire. Theo and Nell are indeed miracle babes (as Grace was told she couldn’t have children due to her kidney condition). Thank the Lord and thanks to consultants, doctors, and staff of the Freeman Hospital. God bless you all—Ken and Margaret Armstrong.
Evergreens Care Home
A new Sunday afternoon service is being trialled at the Evergreens Care Home—half an hour of hymns, readings and prayer. If you have been involved with care home visiting in the past, or would like to start now, speak to Fr Mark. The next date is Sunday 12th November at 2:20pm.
Monday Club
The next meeting will be held on Mon 23rd October at 1pm in the Church Hall. The speaker will be Mike Greatbatch. New members and guests always welcome to just turn up, or speak to a committee member (see board in the Hall).
All Saints-tide
1st November (Wed)—All Saints Day—10am Eucharist with hymns. 2nd November (Thu)—All Souls Day— See above. 5th November (Sun)—Dedication Festival—8am and 10am celebration of the dedication of the church, and remembering those who have worshipped in this place through the ages.
MU School Visit
Mothers’ Union recently held a meet-and-greet coffee morning for parents during the school drop off, and the morning was a success, and really appreciated by the school.
Christmas Fair
This year’s fair will be on Saturday 2nd December. If you would like to be a part of preparing for the day, please speak to Chris Gravell or sign your name at the back of church. We’ll meet soon to get things underway. Please all start having a think about items you could bring for any of the stalls.
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